Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init

  1. Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Server
  2. Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Aimbot

May 01, 2018 i know of the option to add bisarsenal to box to have virtual arsenal. But i want to add the ace arsenal instead. Ive looked on the ACE 3 wiki but i just dont understand and ive been trying to understand that page but its still not making any sense. I'm an amatuer scripter so any help would be much appreciated. Arsenal is, essentially, a character, equipment and weapon viewer which has been added to Arma 3 in the Bootcamp update. This tool offers an overview of the available content, and enables customized loadouts to be exported to script, which can be used in the editor, other game modes, such as Zeus, and by community scenarios/mods.

Sep 19th, 2015

Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Server

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  1. destroy_radius = 100;
  2. _x setDamage 1;
  3. } forEach ((getPos this) nearObjects ['static', destroy_radius]);
  4. unpacked missions saved thru editor are in %appdata%....DocumentsArma 3 - Other Profilesaeroson%20[AM%202ST]mpmissions
  5. all mission you play are downloaded in pbo in %appdata%..LocalArma 3MPMissionsCache
  6. pbo missions are loaded from your steam/Arma 3/mpmissions
  7. smokes, grenades,
  8. max time, what happens to end it faster
  9. coms, whisper normal yell,
  10. death messages,
  11. deploy squad
  12. 'join group in specified side'; _grp = createGroup east; [player] joinSilent _grp;
  13. 'player set ACE3 medic'; player setVariable ['ace_medical_medicClass', 100]; ['clearConditionCaches', []] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent;
  14. 'put this at the bottom of init.sqf to remove player's silencers on primary weapon and handgun';
  15. while{hasInterface} do {
  16. _silencer = (primaryWeaponItems player) select 0;
  17. if(_silencer != ') then { player removePrimaryWeaponItem _silencer; };
  18. if(_silencer != ') then { player removeHandgunItem _silencer; };
  19. };
  20. 'init line of logic to destroy every static building in radius';
  21. destroy_radius = 100;
  22. _x setDamage 1;
  23. } forEach ((getPos this) nearObjects ['static', destroy_radius]);
  24. [{
  25. west setFriend [east, 0];
  26. independent setFriend [west, 0];
  27. east setFriend [independent, 1];
  28. 'set different elevation on respawn, so players can actually respawn on ships';
  29. if(hasInterface) then {
  30. private ['_pos'];
  31. _pos set[2, 9.2]; // here the second number means how much m above sea level, use console to watch 'getPosASL player' and copy paste the last number if you want to be accurate
  32. }];
  33. 'set ace settings to essentials TAW uses';
  34. _data = [
  35. 'ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected', true,
  36. 'ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold ', 4,
  37. 'ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI', 0,
  38. 'ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient', 1,
  39. 'ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced', true
  40. _i = 0;
  41. _name = _data select _i;
  42. systemChat format['%1 = %2;', _name, _val];
  43. missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _val];
  44. _i = _i + 2;
  45. },'BIS_fnc_spawn',true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  46. [{
  47. },'BIS_fnc_spawn',true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  48. 'test server profileNamespace';
  49. profileNamespace setVariable ['TEST','yes it works'];
  50. },'BIS_fnc_spawn',false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  51. [
  52. [player],
  53. _test = profileNamespace getVariable ['TEST','it does not work'];
  54. [
  55. {
  56. }
  57. ,'BIS_fnc_spawn', (_this select 0)] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  58. ]
  59. [
  60. ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = true;
  61. ]
  62. 'get all cfg first child names'; _c = (configFile >> 'CfgWorlds' >> worldName); _res=[]; _count = count _c; while{_count>=0} do { _res pushBack (configName(_c select _count)); _count=_count-1; }; _res
  63. 'allow AGM medic'; player setVariable ['AGM_Medical_AllowNonMedics', true, true];
  64. 'add all stuff to zeus'; { _x addCuratorEditableObjects [allMissionObjects 'all', true]; } count allCurators;
  65. 'get classnames of litter for garbage collect'; A=[]; { if(!isPlayer _x && !((typeof _x) in A)) then { A pushBack (typeof _x); }; } forEach (allMissionObjects 'all' - allMissionObjects 'building' ); A;
  66. 'get classnames of everything in mission'; A=[]; { if(!isPlayer _x && !((typeof _x) in A)) then { A pushBack (typeof _x); }; } forEach (allMissionObjects '); A;
  67. 'classname of'; _t='man'; _a=[]; _r=100; { if(!((typeof _x) in _a)) then { _a pushBack (typeof _x); }; } forEach ((getpos player) nearObjects [_t, _r]); _a;
  68. 'kill all men in 1000m'; { if(!(isPlayer _x)) then { _x setDamage 1; }; } forEach nearestObjects [player, ['vehicle','man'], 1000];
  69. 'constant rearm and health'; [] spawn { while{true} do { vehicle player setVehicleAmmo 1; vehicle player setDamage 0; }; };
  70. 'get mission objects with classname'; C='AGM_FastRoping_Helper'; A=[]; { if(_x isKindOf C) then { A pushBack _x; }; } forEach (allMissionObjects '); A;
  71. [{
  72. [] spawn { while{true} do { aero_player_markers_run = false; sleep 10; }; };
  73. [{
  74. },'BIS_fnc_spawn',cursorTarget] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  75. 'mark stuff index'; _m='aa%1'; { _pos = getpos _x; _text = format['%1', _forEachIndex]; _id = format[_m, _forEachIndex]; createMarkerLocal [_id, _pos]; _id setMarkerColorLocal 'Default'; _id setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_triangle'; _id setMarkerTextLocal _text; _id setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; } forEach
  76. 'mark stuff name_type_index'; _m='aa%1'; { _pos = getpos _x; _text = format['%1 %2 %2', _x, typeof _x, _forEachIndex]; _id = format[_m, _forEachIndex]; createMarkerLocal [_id, _pos]; _id setMarkerColorLocal 'Default'; _id setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_triangle'; _id setMarkerTextLocal _text; _id setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; } forEach
  77. 'mark allMissionObjects'all'; _m='aa%1'; { _pos = getpos _x; _text = format['%1', typeof _x]; _id = format[_m, _forEachIndex]; createMarkerLocal [_id, _pos]; _id setMarkerColorLocal 'Default'; _id setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_triangle'; _id setMarkerTextLocal _text; _id setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; } forEach allMissionObjects 'all'
  78. 'mark all caches'; _m='aa%1'; { _pos = getpos _x; _text = format['%1 %2', _forEachIndex, _pos]; _id = format[_m, _forEachIndex]; createMarkerLocal [_id, _pos]; _id setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorRed'; _id setMarkerColorLocal 'colorRed'; _id setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_triangle'; _id setMarkerTextLocal _text; _id setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; } forEach (nearestObjects [getpos player, ['B_supplyCrate_F'], 20000]);
  79. 'clean up mark stuff'; _m='aa%1'; _num = 0; _marker = format[_m, _num]; while {(getMarkerType _marker) != '} do { deleteMarkerLocal _marker; _num = _num + 1; _marker = format[_m, _num]; };
  80. _marker = format[_m, _num];
  81. deleteMarkerLocal _marker;
  82. _marker = format[_m, _num];
  83. // if doesnt have interface exit, if has interface wait until its ready
  84. waitUntil{!isNull findDisplay 46};
  85. // if has interface wait unitl interface is ready
  86. waitUntil{!isNull findDisplay 46};
  87. // put this at the bottom of init.sqf to disable the ability to turn on night vision
  88. waitUntil{!isNull findDisplay 46};
  89. (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['keyDown', '_this call nightVisionDisable_keyDown'];
  90. if((_this select 1) in actionKeys 'NightVision') exitWith {
  91. };
  92. };
  93. _unit setVariable ['tf_globalVolume', 0.4];
  94. _unit setVariable ['tf_unable_to_use_radio', True, True];
  95. // tfar unmute
  96. _unit setVariable ['tf_voiceVolume', 1, True];
  97. _unit setVariable ['tf_unable_to_use_radio', False, True];
  98. _pos = getpos _x;
  99. _id = format['%1_%2', _text, time];
  100. _id setMarkerColorLocal 'Default';
  101. _id setMarkerTextLocal _text;
  102. } forEach
  103. nearestObjects [getpos player, ['RHS_UH60M'], 2000]
  104. {
  105. _text = format['%1', _forEachIndex];
  106. createMarkerLocal [_id, _pos];
  107. _id setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_triangle';
  108. _id setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
  109. } forEach (getpos player nearObjects ['B_supplyCrate_F', 10000])
  110. west setFriend [resistance, 0];
  111. player addRating 10000;
  112. ['Blue team wins', 0, -0.3, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText
  113. 'skip time'; [{ _howManyHours = 5; skipTime _howManyHours; },'BIS_fnc_spawn',true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  114. //
  115. spectator_layer = 'BIS_fnc_respawnSpectator' call bis_fnc_rscLayer;
  116. 'tp all group units to me'; { _x setpos getpos player; } forEach units group player;
  117. [{hint 'Everyone';},'BIS_fnc_spawn',true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  118. netID cursorTarget
  119. [{
  120. (objectFromNetId '0') addAction['<t color='#ffff77'>Virtual Arsenal</t>', { ['Open',true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }, [], 1000];
  121. //
  122. _cur addCuratorAddons activatedAddons;
  123. this addaction ['<t color='#ffff00'>Open Virtual Arsenal</t>',{['Open',true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}];
  124. this addaction ['Arsenal',{['Open',true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}];
  125. player addaction ['<t color='#ffff77'>Add Arsenal to cursor target</t>',{
  126. [
  127. {
  128. (objectFromNetId _netId) addAction['<t color='#ffff77'>Virtual Arsenal</t>', { ['Open',true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }, [], 1000];
  129. ],
  130. }];
  131. player addaction ['Deploy your group to map click location',{
  132. }];
  133. player addaction ['Teleport to map click location',{
  134. }];
  135. player addaction ['Turn on splendid cam',{
  136. }];
  137. player switchCamera 'Internal';
  138. ['someId', 'onEachFrame'] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
  139. profileNamespace setVariable ['aero_console_allow', true];
  140. 22:29 - aeroson: profileNamespace setVariable ['aero_console_allow', true];
  141. 22:29 - aeroson: once you figure it out tell me please o
  142. 22:29 - aeroson: might be worth unpacking arma content
  143. 22:29 - Shishketti: im not having any luck, where do i type that thing in
  144. 22:29 - aeroson: and looking into the zeus modules
  145. 22:30 - aeroson: and execute it
  146. call compile format[' [{ _target = objectFromNetId '%1'; _target hideObject true; _target allowDamage false; },'BIS_fnc_spawn',true] call BIS_fnc_MP; ', netID player ];
  147. (objectFromNetId '0') addAction['<t color='#00ff00'>Repair Vehicle</t>', { (_this select 0) setDamage 0 }, [], 1000];
  148. ['Open',true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
  149. player addAction['Add Titan AA Misille', { player addItem 'Titan_AA' }, [], 1000];
  150. [{
  151. player addAction['Add Titan AT Misille', { player addItem 'Titan_AA' }, [], 1000];
  152. enableCamShake false;
  153. Tasks to learn Arma scripting:
  154. teleport vehicle 10m into air
  155. give your self a sniper rifle
  156. PVPscene_POV = {
  157. [(_this select 0)] spawn {
  158. if (cameraView 'External') then
  159. if (player isEqualTo vehicle player) then {player switchCamera 'Internal';};
  160. sleep 0.1;
  161. };
  162. found out setVariable does not work on these clases (might be more)
  163. _class = ['IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo','IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo','IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo','IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo'] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  164. _vehicle setVariable ['test', 'works'];
  165. systemChat (_vehicle getVariable ['test','does not work']);
  166. but it for sure works on players, units, triggers, vehicles
  167. ace_weather fast time multiplier, day length, night length
  168. ace_IED sync module with trigger or marker to place random ieds in it
  169. ace_civs / ace_enemies = enemy/civil ocupation system
  170. keys that switch weapons do switch positions in vehicles as well
  171. empty mags appear on ground as litter
  172. 16:59 - aeroson: you can use this code to create vehice
  173. 16:59 - aeroson: '2S6M_Tunguska' createVehicle position player;
  174. 16:59 - aeroson: 2S6M_Tunguska is class name of the vehicle
  175. 16:59 - aeroson: you need to know the class name first
  176. 17:00 - aeroson: you can get classname of the thing you are looking at by watching this?
  177. 17:08 - aeroson: to select target vehicle
  178. 17:08 - aeroson: battleBusTargetVehicle = cursorTarget;
  179. 17:09 - aeroson: then this to save all objects around it within 100m and save them into code, which will spawn them and attach them to the target vehicle
  180. _mainVehicle = battleBusTargetVehicle;
  181. battleBusCreateCode = ';
  182. addLine = {
  183. %2', battleBusCreateCode, _this];
  184. format['_mainVehicle = createVehicle ['%1', getPosATL player, [], 0, 'CAN_COLIDE'];', typeof _mainVehicle] call addLine;
  185. format['_mainVehicle setVectorDirAndUp [%1, %2];', vectorDir _mainVehicle, vectorUp _mainVehicle] call addLine;
  186. format['_mainVehiclePos = getPosATL _mainVehicle;'] call addLine;
  187. ' call addLine;
  188. _vehicle = _x;
  189. if(!(isPlayer _vehicle) && _vehicle!=_mainVehicle) then {
  190. format['_vehicle = createVehicle ['%1', [-100-random 100, -100-random 100, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLIDE'];', typeof _vehicle] call addLine;
  191. format['_vehicle setPosATL (%1 vectorAdd _mainVehiclePos);', (getPosATL _vehicle) vectorDiff _mainVehiclePos] call addLine;
  192. format['_vehicle attachTo [_mainVehicle];'] call addLine;
  193. format['_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [%1, %2];', vectorDir _vehicle, vectorUp _vehicle] call addLine;
  194. ' call addLine;
  195. };
  196. } forEach (nearestObjects [getPosATL _mainVehicle, ['all'], _radius]);
  197. 17:12 - aeroson: 17:09 - aeroson: resulting battle bus creation code should be in variable battleBusCreateCode
  198. 17:09 - aeroson: so watch that variable and copy paste it to save you battle bus, or execute it to create you battle bus
  199. 17:21 - aeroson: exec line executes code once you click exec
  200. 17:22 - aeroson: watch line executes code every second and shows you the result
  201. 17:23 - aeroson: look at it and execute
  202. 17:24 - aeroson: cursorTarget enableSimulation false
  203. 17:24 - aeroson: so it's physics will not be simulated and you can stack vehicles inside each other then

Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Aimbot